Oh my goodness, I have been working on the same under two minute video for three days! My computer may be failing which is what’s causing all the problems, but the good news is that it will be up tomorrow with the exciting introduction to the newest member of the Johnson family.
For today, if you were one of the many wonderful people I talked to at the job and resource fair, my taco soup recipe is here.
Oh and tip of the day, one of my favorite kitchen tools is my silicone ball whisk, not only because it looks like some cool prop from a 1960’s sci-fi movie, but because I can use it in any pot, pan or bowl without worrying about scratching them. You can get one as cheap as $4 usually! I use it regularly and it also happens to be the daily special on Foodbuzz. See you tomorrow with my announcement!
Diana, I’m so glad I learned about you today at the job fair at GCC. I’m coming to your free cooking classes at the YMCA on Wednesdays in June…one question…do I need to be a member of the YMCA?
Nope, it’s free to the public, member or not. You just need to bring a photo ID which they use to get your day pass.